I visited in the home of an active church member in Jacksonville, Fla. She said that she had been in the church over 25 years but did not feel like she belonged. Others may not have agreed with her but that was her perception. To ask someone if they belong to a church is a good way to start a conversation. One chooses to worship and serve God in a particular church and this usually leads to a sense of belonging. One cannot experience the joy of belonging unless one is involved in the worship and ministry of his/her church. The sense of belonging naturally follows the investment of one's time and resources. One of the heartaches of the church is to realize that some members will become inactive and lose their sense of belonging. These drift away. What can be done to help these persons to "belong" again? Have you made a phone call or text? Perhaps a visit would be helpful. It isn't enough to just wait for these children of God to decide to come back. Jesus sends us to get them. Give creative thought to what might be done at SAUMC to insure that all members know they belong. It is not only our joy but our responsibility. We want everyone to say of St.Andrew's, "that's my church."