by JC Powell

Tim called and asked if we might meet and we did. At this meeting he told me that our District Superintendent wanted him to ask me if I would be the interim senior pastor for six months. I was surprised. The Staff-Parish Relations committee was informed and they were surprised. You, the congregation, were told of the appointment change via email and from the pulpit on Sunday morning. You were surprised. Other than Tim and his family, I guess God was the only one not surprised.
Because we trust God we always receive His surprises fully expecting Him to show us what to do next. This means, for me, that we stay open to the guidance of the Holy Spirit in our personal lives as well as the life of St. Andrew’s.
I have laughed when telling others that Pastor Emeritus means “old, worn out preacher.” Now I must eat those words. Yes, I am old, but I’m not completely worn out. I will give you my best and trust you and God for the rest. Together we, all of us, will continue to be The Church, where the light of Christ is bright and from which we all go into the world to reflect the light of God’s love and grace. Jesus said to “let your light shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your father in heaven.”
No surprises here. It’s what we do as children of God.